少林寺拳法のトレーニング処方に関する研究 (第3報) : 心拍数による運動強度の推定 (未熟練者の場合)
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Four unskilled members of the University SHORINJI KEMPO club were used as subjects to measure heart rate (HR) during various specified movements,HR during two hours of practice,and maximal oxygen uptake (Y02max) and ventilatory threshold (VT). The exercise intensity during the various specified movements were estimated by the regression equation from the HR-Vo2 relation of the subjects involved Furthermore,in a two hour practice duration,the point where the VT is exceeded was measured. The following are the results : 1) Taking the mean measurements of the percentage of the Vo2 max of the four subjects after their specified movements (in place), the results show the following increase in exercise intensity percentage : TSUKI (%Vo2max: 60.1%) ; UWA-UKE (%Vo2max: 67.3%) ; KERI (%Vo2 max: 72.2%) ; JOCHU-NIRENTSUKI (%Vo2max: 78.2%). For the specified movements (in motion),the results show the following increase in exercise intensity percentage : TSUKI (%Vo2max: 79.4%) ; KERI (%Vo2max: 82.2%) ; JOCHU-NIRENTSUKI (%Vo2max: 88.6%). 2) Unskilled subjects tended to record a higher exercise intensity percentage of Vo2max for the specific movements (in place) than skilled subjects. Furthermore,the test results for the equality between the two means for the skilled and unskilled subjects showed that the unskilled subjects recorded a 5% level which was significantly higher than skilled subjects for the movement of UWA-UKE. The results suggest that the exercise efficiency of the specified movements (in place) is influenced by the level of technic of the subject. 3) In a two hour practice duration,t he point where the VT is exceeded was measured for the four subject at 7.7% (9.3 minutes); 3.2% (3.8 minutes); 11.8% (13.8 minutes); 18.4% (21.5 minutes). However, there was almost no sign of HR exceeding the VT point for more than 5 to 10 minutes continuously. In conc1usion,a s stated in a previous paper concerning skilled subjects,in order to improve or better one's aerobic capacity,it is necessary to supplement one's present practice with a separate training program.
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