日本三大死因をキーワードとして抽出した被引用回数上位論文のPubMedにおけるPublication Types調査:EBMとの相関を中心に
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Background: Kyushu University Medical librarians aretransferred to other branches or central libraries before a goodenough understanding of EBM (Evidence Based Medicine).In this paper, I will elucidate why EBM articles are imperativefor database users. I will investigate the use of title wordsassociated to articles cited the most times relating to the threeJapanese major causes of death in PubMed Publication Types.Purpose: This article searches the relation between Web ofScience Cited Times and PubMed Publication Types as theindicator of the importance of EBM articles.Method: The articles of which the title contains the words “cancer”,“breast cancer”, “myocardial infarction”, or “stroke” wereretrieved on the Web of Science. Moreover the information ofPubMed Publication Types was added to the top 20 most citedarticles of the search results. Then the articles were comparedwith the perspectives of journal name, cited references, timescited, publication year, page, and publication types.Results: Ratio of the articles which have evidence is from 50%to 70% on the areas of breast cancer, myocardial infarction, andstroke, however, each publication type had less than 11% inPubMed.Conclusion: It was shown that evidence to Publication Typearticles was quoted more often than in other articles.
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会,NPO The Japan Medical Library Associationの論文
- 2007-03-20