コンセンサス会議における円滑なコミュニケーションのための考察--「遺伝子組換え作物の栽培について道民が考える『コンセンサス会議』」を事例として (小特集 遺伝子組換え作物コンセンサス会議)
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Consensus Conference is a type of meeting that makes it possible to include ordinar y people and theirexperiences in technology assessment. It gives people the opportunity to assess a given technologicaldevelopment and make up their minds about its possibilities and consequences. A citizen's panel,representative of ordinary people with divergent background, has a discussion after having taken informationfrom experts about the technology. Having deepened discussion each other, a citizen's panel completes a finaldocument which contains a clarification and a position of issue.To promote discussion smoothly, a facilitator and staff members of a conference office have to work out thedesign of conference in detail. The author of this report took part in the Consensus Conference on GeneticallyModified Organism held in Hokkaido as a staff member. This is a report that summarized what the staffmembers of consensus conference can prepare to make citizen's panel feel comfortable and to promotediscussion smoothly. The points that should be considered are as follows: ice breaking, communication size,design of a meeting place, open/closed choice of meeting, support of making sentences, and break time.
- 北海道大学科学技術コミュニケーター養成ユニットの論文
北海道大学科学技術コミュニケーター養成ユニット | 論文
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