A new analysis method for accurate supercurrent distribution inside high-temperature superconducting bulk
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It is difficult to accurately simulate supercurrent in high-temperature superconducting bulk even by adopting the finite-element method. The equivalent electrical conductivity of high-temperature superconducting bulk, which has a strong nonlinearity according to the E-J power law, is introduced for the supercurrent analysis. However, the strong nonlinearity results in bad convergency of the nonlinear equation solvers, i.e., the Newton-Raphson (NR) method. Consequently, the unsuitable and/or undulating supercurrent is observed. Therefore, in this paper, the accuracy of the supercurrent analysis in the high-temperature superconducting bulk is discussed and a new method is proposed for the accurate high-temperature superconducting bulk simulation. Then, the method combined a line search with the NR method is adopted as a nonlinear equation solver, and the improvement of convergency and computation time are investigated
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