An analysis of transverse evolution of electron swarms in gases using moment equations and a propagator method
- 論文の詳細を見る
A simulation technique for analysis of transverse evolution of electronswarms in gases was developed based onmoment equations derived from the Boltzmannequation. A numerical calculation of the moment equations for an electron swarm wasperformed using a propagator method and it was demonstrated that the propagatormethod can be used to calculate the higher-order transverse diffusion coefficients stably.Applying a Hermite expansion technique, the electron distribution in real space andother electron swarm parameters were derived as functions of the transverse position.The calculation result was verified by comparisons with those by a Monte Carlosimulation and other methods. Features of the transverse electron swarm evolutionwere presented.
- Institute of Physicsの論文
- 1999-07-21
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