- 論文の詳細を見る
Not a few scientists did write their scientific papers inr omaji (or Roman script) or advocated to write Japanesein romaji in the period between 1880s and 1940s. Other people than scientists, such as Japanese linguists,educators, politicians and businessmen, were indeed among proponents of writing in romaji. And those peopleworking in different sectors in society united to carry out campaigns to promulgate among the public the useof romaji in writing Japanese sentences. The campaigns have been designated Romanization Movement.Why, then, did scientists get involved in the movement? Did they have any interest specific to scientists inwriting in romaji? Did they present any distinctive causes as scientists in the movement? The paper aims toanswer these questions in taking into account the following circumstances that Japanese scientists had to meetafter Meiji Restoration in 1868. Scientists generally communicate their achievements not only to the membersof scientific community but also to the general public in cooperation with educators, science journalists,and others. However, when Japanese scholars started scientific research in 1870s, all members of scientificcommunities around the world, except those of fledgling societies in Japan, did not understand Japanese, whilethe general public who were to absorb scientific ideas only knew Japanese language and could use kanji (orChinese character), and kana (or phonetic syllabic script consisting of two separate forms of katakana andhiragana), though they were troubled with kanji's complexity and inconvenience. The analysis that followsexplicates what happened with regard to language, terms, and script used in scientific communicationsbetween scientists, and scientists and the public in a country where native language was not English or otherWestern language commonly used in scientific world.The paper also discusses what the history of the Romanization Movement implies for science communicationin these days in Japan.
- 北海道大学科学技術コミュニケーター養成ユニットの論文
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