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伸長様式の異なる2つの樹種, ポプラとアカマツの芽に対し,温度,日長条件が伸長, 伸長停止, 休眠導入, 休眠解除等の各生育ステージにどのように影響するかを調べ, 芽の温度、日長特性等の季節変化について, 形態学的, 生理学的な見地から検討した。ポプラの冬芽形成に及ぼす日長と温度の影響を調べたところ, 明期と暗期で温度反応性が異なることが明らかになり, 明期と暗期には独立した生理反応系が存在することが示された。アカマツの土用芽発生機構についてみると, アカマツの土用芽とは, 90~100程度の葉原基を持った頂芽が14時間以上の日長条件下で再成長したものであることが明らかとなった。他方, ポプラとアカマツの芽の温度, 日長反応性から個体の成育ステージを整理した結果, 温帯樹木の休眠期は休眠導入期, 冬休眠期, 休眠解除期の3段階に分けられた。多くの研究者が認めている準自発休眠, 夏休眠, 他発休眠, 後休眠等は温帯樹木には存在しないと判断された。代わりに, 休眠解除期の後に内的成長期の存在が確認された。本研究を通じ, 芽の環境反応性と1年間のライフサイクルを把握し, これに対応した森林保全・生育の計画と施業の重要性が認められた。Two tree species, Populus x euramericana and Pinus densiflora were used to investigate the effects of temperature, day length, and soil nutrition on sprouting, elongation, termination of elongation, dormancy induction, dormancy release and so on. During the study, seasonal changes of those bud characteristics to day length and temperatures were investigated morphologically and physiologically. The effects of photoperiods and temperature on the terminal buds formation of P. euramericana were investigated. The results, there were two independent physiological reaction systems in day and night length funcion respectively in the process of buds formation, were obtained. It was speculated that balance of both physiological reaction systems decide the critical day length to bud formation in P. euramericana. From study of mechanism of lammas shoots formation in P. densiflora, it was found the winter buds could re-elongate when they have 90 to 100 leaf primordia in their buds under the condition longer than 14-h day length. From results of reaction in winter buds of P. euramericana and P. densiflora to temperatures and day length, dormancy stage of both tree species can be distinguished as fellows, First is Dormancy induction stage, Second is Winter dormancy stage and Third is Dormancy release stage. And it was recognized for the first time that Inner growth stage existed following dormancy release before growing. Through this study, it was emphasized that the knowledge of responses to the environment of buds in each trees and their annual life cycle was significant in forest conservation and silviculture field.
論文 | ランダム
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