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不慮の事故は常に子どもの死因の上位を占めている. 特に乳幼児の事故は居室内で起こることが多い. 本研究では, 家族背景と乳幼児の事故, 母親の事故防止意識について調査を行い, これらの関連を検討することを目的に行った. 対象は, 2004 年 8 月~10 月に三重県 T 市の保健センターで 1 歳 6 か月健診を受診した子どもの保護者 69 名で, 質問紙表に沿って聞き取り調査を行った. その結果以下のことが明らかになった. 1. 母親の事故防止意識について, 母子健康手帳を読んだことのある群の方が, 読んだことのない群に比べ事故に対する日頃の心がけがある者の割合が高かった. 2. 家族背景と 1 歳 6 か月児の事故との関係に有意な差は見られなかった. 3. 家族背景と母親の事故防止意識について, 祖父母と一緒に住んでいる群は, 核家族の群より日頃の心がけが低かった. また, 兄弟がいる群はそうでない群に比べ小さい物への注意が低かった. 4. 1 歳 6 か月児の事故経験と母親の事故防止意識について, 明らかな差は見られなかったが, 事故の種類別にみると, 転倒経験のある児の母親は事故防止意識が低く, チャイルドシートの取り付け, 風呂の残し湯の割合が高かい傾向があった. I inadvertent accidents are always major causes on childrens death. Particularly the accidents on infants often happen indoor. The purpose of this study is to investigate correlation among the accidents in infancy, infants domestic background and the mothers consciousness on the prevention of accidents. The data were collected from 69 mothers whose children have a routine health examination for children aged 18 months at the public health center T city Mie prefecture, between August and October 2004, using open-end interview and a questionnaire. The results are as follows:1. Regarding mothers consciousness on the prevention of infants accident, a group of mothers who have ever read Maternal and Child Health Handbook is more careful of an accident in infancy than a group of mothers who have never read it.2. There arent any significant correlations between the infants domestic background and an accident in infancy.3. Regarding the infants domestic background and the mothers consciousness of the prevention of an accident, a group of mothers who dont live with their parents (it means nuclear family) is more careful of an accident in infancy than a group of mothers who live with their parents. Besides, a group of mothers who have only one child is more careful of an infants accident than a group of mothers who have some children.4. There arent any significant correlations between the experience of an infants accident and mothers consciousness on the prevention of an infants accident. But it tends that mothers who experienced an accident which their children fell down have higher consciousness of the prevention of an accident.
- 三重大学医学部看護学科の論文
- 2006-03-20
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- 乳幼児の事故防止に関する母親の意識についての調査研究
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