価値教育の文脈における宗教性をめぐる言説 : その来歴・変容・展望
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Late in his life, Pope John Paul Ⅱ remarked that the biggest enemy of religion is ethical relativism. Is religion in especially grave danger today as value systems undergo rapid diversification? As educational policy makers in Japan and in Europe now hold the religious for the only foundation on which value education can be built, there are salient differences in their respsctive approaches. This paper evaluates the prospects of the new trend in value education in Japan, in Germany, and in Switzerland. In the Japanese tradition, moral instruction has formed the core of value education in schools. Religious sentiment has always been a priority, even though it assumed a number of different meanings in wartime and postwar Japan : at different times it variously referred to ethnic affiliation, the love of peace, and the reverence of life. Recently, it has taken a distinctly sentimental turn. In Europe, except for France, value education in schools has traditionally been dominated by religious instruction. This dominance is of increasing rather than decreasing significance today, as instruction shifts from a denominational to an interdenominational focus and pupils will no longer be exempt from religious instruction ; the religious is set to contribute to value education more broadly and more thoroughly.
- 三重大学教育学部の論文
- 2007-03-30
三重大学教育学部 | 論文
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