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The estimation method of the relative density of Culex tritaeniorhynchus summorosus larvae in the paddy-fields of an area as a whole was investigated, based on the variances of transformed variate y=log (x+1) within and between paddy-fields, where x is the number of larvae per dip. As a result, it was shown that only one dip should be taken in each paddy-field, and instead, the number of paddy-fields examined should be increased, in order to estimate the relative density of larvae in the area in maximum efficiency. If one dip is taken in a paddy-field, the estimation precision becomes higher, of course, when the number of paddy-fields examined is increased. In the case of the same number of paddy-fields being examined, the higher the mean larval density is, the higher the estimation precision is.柄杓当りのコガタアカイエカ幼虫数xをy=log(x+1)式で変換した後に,水田内及び水田間の幼虫数の分散を求め,これを基として,ある地域全体に棲息する幼虫の相対密度を推定する方法を研究した.その結果,最も能率よく推定するには,1枚の水田でのすくいとり回数を1回とし,その代りに調査する水田数を増すのがよいことがわかった.その場合,調査水田数が多い程推定の精度は勿論高く,水田数が同じ場合には平均幼虫密度が高い程精度は高い.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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