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フラビウイスルのVERO細胞における増殖と成熟課程の詳細は未だ完全には理解されていない。この研究ではKunjin, Murray Valley脳炎(MVE),日本脳炎(JE)といった3種のフラビウイルスに感染したVERO細胞における超微細構造学的変化を比較した. JE又はMVEに特徴的なウイルスによる感染による1,2の膜構造の変化を除いては,全体的にこの3種のウイルスによる構造変化には共通性がある.電子顕微鏡的に,拡大した小胞体の内腔に糸様構造物を含む多数の空胞が見られ,旋回した平滑な膜様構造がこられの空胞と粗面小胞体に隣接して存在する.これら3種の膜様構造物が存在する所で多分ウイルスの濃縮と成熟が起こると考えられる.これらの構造物の周囲とか拡大した小胞体内腔にしばしば成熟ウイルス粒子が集合している.ウイルスの放出は小胞体系を通ずる逆呑食作用あるいは感染後期に細胞病変が進行した場合には細胞の溶解によって起こると考えられる.金の微細粒子を免疫学的に結合したプロテインAと抗体とを反応させる事によって通常の電子顕微鏡では確認出来ないウイルスの前駆体の存在場所を明らかにしようとしたが,その結果は必ずしも明確なものではなかった.The complete details of the flaviviruses replication and maturation in Vero cells did prove to be elusive. However, from this study, a comparison was done at the ultrastructural level with the Kunjin, Japanese encephalitis (JE) and Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) viruses-infected Vero cells. Except for one or two virus-induced membrane structures which was unique for either JE virus or MVE virus, on the whole the essential virus-induced structures were common among these three viruses. The electron miroscopic studies revealed numerous vesicles with thread-like enclosures within the distended cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. Convoluted smooth membraneous structures were also in close association with these vesicles and the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In sites where these three membrane components are present they are believed to be sites for virus condensation and perhaps maturation. Mature virus particles were often observed in clusters around these structures or within the distended lumen of endoplasmic reticulum. The release of the viruses were envisaged to be by reverse phagocytosis, via the channels of the endoplasmic reticulum and finally by cell lysis when the cytopathic effects became advanced at the late stages of infection. Attempts were made using immuno-gold protein A conjugated antibodies to try and locate some viral precursor products as the conventional electron microscopy was not able to portray. However, although specific binding of the antibodies did occur, the results obtained was not conclusive.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1987-06-30
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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