Dirofilaria immitisミクロフィラリア感染マウスに於けるDiethylcarbamazine投与時のIHA titerの変動
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Dirofilaria immitisミクロフィラリア30,000隻を6匹のICRマウスのソ径部皮下に毎週1回10週間接種後DEC 300mg/kgで3日間治療した.DEC投与前のIHA titerの最高値は1:240であったが投与後1週目よりtiterは上昇し始め4週目には全てのマウスが最高値(4匹は1:960,2匹は1:480)を示し6週までの観察期間ではtiterは最高値を維持した.About 30,000 microfilariae of D. immitis were inoculated into ICR mice subcutaneously. The mice were injected with DEC at 300mg/kg/day for 3 consecutive days, then the IHA test was carried out until 6 weeks after DEC treatment. Before DEC treatment, the IHA titers in two of six mice was 1:240 and those in the other four was 1:120. One week after DEC treatment, the IHA titer began to rise in most mice and at 4 weeks, those in all mice reached maximum. During the observation period, the maximum titers in four of six mice was 1:960 and those in the remaining two was 1:480.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1984-03-31
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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