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インドネシアでの疾病は,微生物感染症が常に上位を占めている.この感染症に対しては,主に化学療法が用いられるが,近年耐性菌の増加などの問題点が提起されている.そこで我々は,インドネシアの首都ジャカルタ市内の飲料水から分離した腸内細菌65菌株及びPseudomonas属25菌株に対して,PcB, PIPC, MZPC, CER, GET, CFX, CMZ, CPZ, GM, KM, CP, TC, CL, NAの14剤の化学療法剤について感受性試験を行い,インドネシアにおける耐性菌の出現状況などを知ることとした.その結果,以下のような成積が得られた.1.腸内細菌では,全ての菌でGMに高度に感受性が示された.また,PIPC, MZPC, CPZ, KM, CP, TC, CL, NAでも良好な感受性がみられた.しかし,第1世代cephem剤のCER(23%),GET(28%),第2世代cephem剤のCFX(47%)には抵抗性がみられた.2. Pseudomonas属では,全ての菌でGMとCLに高度に感受性が示された.また,PIPC, TC及び第3世代cephem剤のCPZでも良好な感受性がみられた.一方NA(96%)とCER (82%),GET (96%), CFX (96%), CMZ (63%)のcephem剤には高い抵抗性が示された.3.各々の菌種では,E. coliで第1世代cephem剤に約半数が抵抗性であった.K. pneumoniaeでこの傾向が顕著にみられ,第1及び第2世代cephemに対して全てが抵抗性を示した.4. Salmonella C_1群1株,Salmonella E_1群1株は,それぞれすべての薬剤に感受性を示した.5. Pseudomonas属は,第1及び第2世代cephem剤にほとんどの菌種が抵抗性を示したが,GMとCLには高い感受性がみられた.6.多剤耐性を示す成績では,E. coliは3剤に16%と比較的低い値であったが,K. pneumoniaeは2剤(33%),3剤(17%),4剤(33%),En. cloacaeでは2剤(32%),3剤(26%),4剤(5%)なっどというように,すでに高い割合で多剤耐性が認められた.7. MICの測定結果では,E. coliでPcBとGET, K. pneumoniaeでCL, En. cloacaeでTCとCLに対して,それぞれ400μg/mlに,さらにはEn. aerogenesとC. freundiiでGET, P. aeruginosaでCMZに対して,それぞれ1000μg/mlという非常に高濃度に耐性が示された.On sixty-five strains of enteric bacteria and twenty-five strains of Genus Pseudomonas isolated from the drinking water in the City of Jakarta, Indonesia between July and August 1983, sensitivity to fourteen chemotherapeutic agents including PCB, PIPC, MZPC, CER, GET, CFX, CMZ, CPZ, GM, KM, CP, TC, CL and NA was tested by the disk agar diffusion method using three levels of concentration. MIC was measured by the dillution method in strains of resistance, and following results were obtained. 1. All strains of enteric bacteria showed highest sensitivity to GM. More than 98% of the strains showed favorable sensitivity to PIPC, MZPC, CPZ, KM, CP, TC, CL and NA. Resistance, however, was encountered to CER (23%) and GET (28%), the first generation cephem drugs, and CFX (47%), the second generation cephem drugs. 2. All strains of Genus Pseudomonas showed higher sensitivity to GM and CL. About 90% of the strains showed favorable sensitivity to PIPC, TC, and CPZ, the third generation cephem drug. Resistance, on the other hand, was encountered to NA (96%), CER (82%), GET (96%), CFX (96%) and CMZ (63%). 3. In three of seven strains of Escherichia coli, resistance to the first generation cephem drugs was noted. Such tendency was remarkable in Klebsiella pneumoniae, with resistance of all strains to CER, GET and CMZ. 4. Each one strain of Salmonella C_1 and Salmonella E_1 groups were sensitive to all the drugs tested. 5. The resistant strains to double to quadruple drugs were found in 83% in Klebsiella pneumoniae and 63% in Enterobacter cloacae. In Escherichia coli, on the other hand, the resistant strains to triple drugs appeared in only 16%.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1985-09-30
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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