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長崎県在住の3人の成人男子から自然排出された頭節を欠く条虫3個体を得,その形態を観察した.虫体々節についてその特徴をみると,片節は長さより巾が広く,最大巾はいづれも10mm以内でその側縁は分節化が認められる.又内部構造の所見としては一片節に2組又は3組の未熟な子宮と睾丸原基細胞をそなえている.以上の所見から3体ともに未熟な大複門条虫と同定される.これは長崎県における第9,10及び11例で, 日本における第53,54及び55番目の症例にあたる.稿を終るに当りご指導,ご校閲をいたゞいた片峰大助教授に深く感謝致します.又虫体の観察に際しご教示いただいた鳥取大学医学部加茂甫教授に謝意を表します.本論文の大略は第23回日本寄生虫学会南日本支部大会において発表した.In this paper, three human cases of Diplogonoporus grandis infection were recorded as the 53, 54 and 55th cases in Japan. These fragmented strobilae of the tape-worm were evacuated spontaneously from the adult males, 39, 25 and 27 years old living in Nagasaki Prefecture. The length of the strobilae was 156.5cm in the Ist case, 110.9cm in the 2nd and 135.2cm in the 3rd one respectively, all of which lack the scolex and terminal segments. Detailed morphological study was made by external and internal examination of the proglottids. All of the proglottids obtained were immature and no genital organ could not be demonstrated by the external examinations. But they were identified as to the tape-worms beloging to genus, Diplogonoporus by the characteristic short, broad proglottids measuring about 0.4-1.0mm long by 4.4-10.0mm width and by the double set of genital rudiments in each proglottid which was recognized by the internal examination on the speciments of sagital or transverse section.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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