東アフリカ・ケニア共和国における肝硬変の組織像とHepatitis B surface(HBs)抗原の肝内分布
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Histological findings in 19 autopsy cases of macronodular ("postnecrotic", "posthepatitic") cirrhosis of the liver with or without primay liver cell carcinoma at Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Kenya, in the period of 1971 to 1975 were studied in relation to histochemical tests for the presence of HBs-Ag in parechymal cells of regenerative nodules by Shikata's orcein staining method. The age of patients is between 4 to 70. All cases of cirrhosis except two showed remarkable inflammatory change. The characteristic microscopic features include lobular destruction or collapse, regenerative nodules of variable size with remarkable exudate of lymphocytes, monocytes and plasma cells. Increase of connective tissue, especially elastic fibers, was observd. No evidence of alcoholic hepatitis was noted. HBs-Ag in parenchymal cells was present in 12 (73%) of 17 cirrhosis examined; 7 (78%) of 9 cirrhosis with primary liver cell carcinoma, 5 (63%) of 8 cirrhosis without the tumor. The data showed high incidence of HBs-Ag in parenchymal cells of cirrhosis in our materials and suggest that there is the apparent association of HBs-Ag with cirrhosis and primary liver cell carcinoma in Kenya as seen in other tropical and temperate countries.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1977-03-00
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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