Brugia pahangi感染ハムスターの睾丸における感染初期病変の病理組織学的研究 : 睾丸内感染法を用いた実験
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In a separate paper (Kimura et al., 1984), we demonstrated that the intratesticular inoculation of infective larvae into inbred GN hamsters was a useful method for the chronological studies on Brugia pahangi infection. Using this method, we studied the sequence of the histopathologic changes of the testes caused by B. pahangi at the early stages of infection. Effects of the treatment with diethylcarbamazine (DEC) and superinfection of B. pahangi were also studied using the same inoculation method. The first group of 8 hamsters was inoculated directly into their testes with infective larvae of B. pahangi. The animals were necropsied between 3 and 36 days postinoculation. After fixation in 10% formalin, the testes were embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained by routine hematoxylin and eosin staining. The second group of 8 hamsters was infected similarly, treated with DEC (300 mg/kg/day for 5 days), and the pathological preparations were made as above. The third and fourth groups were first infected subcutaneously, reinfected intratesticularly 5 months later, and then examined as above or treated with DEC as in the second group before being examined pathologically. During the study period, most of the inoculated larvae were found intact and free in the interstitium of testes in all animals. At 7 days postinoculation, localized acute inflammatory cell infiltration characterized mainly by neutrophils was observed at surrounding tissue of some larvae in the interstitial tissue. No lesions were seen in the interstitium where there was no parasite. At 9 days, chronic inflammatory changes showing lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration with slight or moderate infiltration of macrophages, epithelioid cells and giant cells were observed. After 11 days, granuloma formation was observed. At any stage of experiments, eosinophilic cell infiltration was slight. Administration of DEC produced acute inflammatory reactions which appeared a few days earlier than in the non-treated group, but did not enhance histopathologic changes around the larvae. Also, in the testes of reinfected animals, the DEC treatment resulted in almost the same changes as those seen in animals with only the primary inoculation of larvae into the testes and the DEC treatment. Our present findings suggest that histological features of inflammatory reactions in the testes of hamsters inoculated with B. pahangi are fundamentally the same as in the lymphatic system. The intratesticular inoculation of infective larvae can be a convenient and useful method to study early pathological changes produced by lymphatic filariae.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1987-03-31
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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