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短日の実験条件下で羽化したコガタアカイエカの雌が吸血すると,栄養生殖分離を高率に起す.しかし自然界においては本現象は秋の短日下でも低率にしか起らない.秋に吸血に来る雌の数は非常に少なく,したがって,栄養生殖分離を起して越冬に入る雌の数は極めて少ないと思われる.早春には経産雌はほとんどとれない.それ故,越冬個体群に含まれる,秋に吸血を経験した雌は極めて少ないといえる.したがって,日本脳炎ウイルスが本種蚊体内で越冬する可能性はほとんどない.Based on reported data, a consideration was made on the possibility of overwintering of Japanese encephalitis virus in Culex tritaeniorhynchus females. The gonotrophic dissociation (phenomenon of blood feeding without development of mature eggs) occurs commonly in this mosquito under experimental conditions of short day-length, but in nature this phenomenon is observed only at a low rate, even under short day-length in autumn. Furthermore, the females feeding on animals in autumn are very small in number. Therefore, only a very few females will overwinter after showing the gonotrophic dissociation. Also, parous females just having emerged from hibernation are seldom collected in early spring. From these facts, it can be said that only an extremely small number of females in the overwintering population has the experience of blood-feeding in autumn. Accordingly, it is not likely for Japanese encephalitis virus to overwinter in this mosquito.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1978-09-30
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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