日本とその近隣諸国で分離されたShigella sonneiのコリシン型,生化学型および薬剤耐性パターン〔英文〕
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A modification of Abbott and Shannon's colicin typing method for Shigella sonnei which was established recently as a standard method in Japan was described. This method increases by three or four indicators of E. coli K-12 mutant origin, and it is not only to make a clear distinction between either types 6 and 11 or types 4 and 14, but also to establish three new colicin types 4A, 9A and 13A. Typing results of 1,148 strains representing "foci" which were isolated in Japan especially in the western part, were presented. In Japan at present, type 14 is at the top of epidemic strains, type 6 ranks next, and types O, 8, 13A, 4, 2, etc. follow in order, among them only types 8 and 13A show some difference in interregional distribution. Besides, 39 strains isolated in the neighboring countries of Japan were used for typing. There was a most distinct difference in colicin type between here and there. The strains examined biochemically were determined by 78 percent as type RM of Gillies (xylose negative, raffinose and melibiose positive), and by 96 percent as type "a" of Szturm-Rubinsten (ONPG positive, rhamnose and xylose negative). Both the biochemical types were equally distributed among colicin types other than type 12; in colicin type 12, strains showing various fermentation patterns were found. The resistance of the strains to sulfa-drug and three antibiotics raised gradually since 1963 and thereabout, and it was at its maximum in 1967 irrespective of colicin type. Only strains of colicin type 14, which appeared for the first time in 1963 showed the maximum from the beginning. In the transition stage of resistance acquisition, it was possible to use resistance pattern as a subsidiary epidemiological marker in combination with colicin type provided that epidemics had been caused by colicin types 6, O, 8, etc. Two examples of application of this combination use were presented; the first case deals with epidemiological analysis of a mass outbreak, and the second with epidemiological connection among many epidemics in a district within a definite period of time.日本で改良され,標準法として一般に実施されているAbbott-ShannonのShigella sonneiコリシン型別法(いわゆる型別部会法)を紹介した.本法は大腸菌K-12変異菌から誘導した抵抗変異株3ないし4株を原法指示菌に追加したもので,原法では区別が困難であった6型と11型,および4型と14型を明瞭に分け,また新コリシン型3種,4A,9A,13Aを追加したものである.主として西日本で分離された,ホーカスを代表する1,148株のS. sonneiが本法による型別に供された.現在の日本では14型が首位,6型これに次ぎ,O型,8型,13A,4≦,2型などがこの順に検出され,うち8型と13Aは国内的に地理的分布上のかなりの差異を示した.ほかに近隣諸国分離の39株を型別したが,その成績は日本のそれと大いに差異があった.生化学的型別の結果は,78%までがGilliesのRM型(キシローゼ陰性,ラフィノーゼ,メリビオーゼ陽性),96%までがSzturm-Rubinstenのa型(ONPG陽性,ラムノーゼ,キシローゼ陰性)であった.この両型はともに12型以外の各コリシン型に平均的に分布し,12型においてのみ各種の糖分解型式を示すものが見出された.これらの菌株のサルファ剤と3種の抗生物質に対する抵抗性は1963年頃から次第に高まり,1967年に至ってコリシン型に関係なくすべてが最高の抵抗を示した.ただし14型だけはそれが最初に現われた1963年には,4剤に対して既に最高の抵抗を示していた.この耐性獲得の途上にある時期では,6型,O型,8型などによる流行の場合に限って,薬剤耐性パターンをコリシン型と組合せて一つの補助的な疫学的マーカーとして利用することが可能であった.この組合せ使用の二つの応用例を記述したが,一つはある集団発生の疫学的分析に関するものであり,もう一つは,ある地方ある期間内における各流行例間の関連に関するものであった.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1969-10-00
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