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50ppmのDENを, Wistar系ラットに6か月間継続投与し,1か月又は半月毎に,肝の発癌過程を,病理組織学的に検討するとともに各時間におけるラット血中AFP濃度を測定した.腫瘍性病変は次の様な結果となった.1) Area of hyperplasia: DEN投与開始后2か月目で出現,2) Nodular hyperplasia: DEN投与后3か月目で出現,3) Area of basophilic cells: 2.5か月目で出現,4)Nodular basophilic cells: 3.5か月目で出現,5) Hepatocellular carcinoma: 3.5か月目で出現,i)Trabecular type,ii) Solid type,iii) Tubular type,iv) Undifferentiated type,v) Mixed typeに分類された.ラット血中AFP濃度はManciniの一元免疫拡散法によって半定量的に測定し,肝癌13例中9例に陽性を認め,9.5mg/mlから58mg/mlの範囲にあった.血中AFPはDEN投与后3.5か月目に突然検出され,謂ゆる前癌状態においては血中に証明することはできなかった.さらに,肝癌の分化度とAFP濃度との関連性については,Solid typeには最高58mg/mlを始めとして高濃度のAFPが検出されたにもかかわらずUndifferentiated typeを示す肝癌血中には,AFPは検出できなかった.一応諸家の報告と一致する様であるが今後この機能についてはさらに検索をすすめねばならない.Serum α-Fetoprotein (AFP) levels of hepatocellular carcinoma-bearing Wistar rats treated continuously with 50 ppm of Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) in drinking water were examined. Various types of tumorous changes in the liver were observed succeedingly as follows; 1) area of hyperplasia appearing after 2 months of treatment, 2) nodular hyperplasia after 3 months of treatment, 3) area of basophilic cells after 2.5 months of treatment, 4) nodular basophilic cells after 3.5 months of treatment and 5) hepatocellular carcinoma including trabecular type, solid type, tubular type, undifferentiated type and mixed type of these patterns after 3.5 months of treatment. The AFP appeared suddenly at 3.5 months from commencement and the number of cases which had hepatocellular carcinoma showing positive serum AFP was 9 out of 13 rats. The titer of serum AFP varied from 9.5 mcg/ml to 58mcg/ml by single radial immunodiffusion (S. R. I. D.) method. Although any association of serum AFP with non-cancerous or pre-cancerous lesion of the liver within 3.5 months was not revealed, the correlation between serum AFP level and degree of differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma are discussed.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1975-08-00
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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