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Drilling samples were collected form the Karako Lowland located on the coast of Chidiwa Bay in Nagasaki Prefecture for reconstructing the paleoenvironment in the late Pleistocene to Holocen around West Kyushu. The total core materials are 50m in length and the basement of andestic tuff breccia appears at -37.65m in depth. The cored sediments are lithologically divided into following seven units; 1) brownish peat rarely intercalating thin clay beds ranging from -0.55m to -11.02m, 2 ) dark grey marine silt accompanied with coarse sand at the upper and lower lithologic boundaries ranging from -11.02m to -15.16m, 3 ) dark bluish grey medium to coarse sand ranging from -15.17m to -26.20m, 4 ) massive dark grey marine silt containing small shell fragments ranging from -26.20m to -31.79m, 5 ) the facies from -31.79m to -34.50m interval being variable and comprising tuffaceous sand, dark grey silt , dark brown peat which is well consolidated, 6 ) grey silt and clayly pebble, tuffaceous silt and greyish white tuff which is well stratified from -34.50m to -36.05m, and 7 ) basal congromerate beds composed of silt, sand and pebble to cobble which are poorly sorted ranging from -35.35m to -37.65m. Two age-diagnostic pyroclastic materials occured in this core. The K-Ah(Kikai-Akahoya ash) occurring in the interval from -11.05m to -11.10m indicates ca. 6,300y.B.P. and the AT (Aira-Tanzawa ash ) obtained at -36.05m also suggests ca. 24,720±290y.B.P in age.
- 〔長崎大学教養部〕の論文
- 1990-01-00
〔長崎大学教養部〕 | 論文
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