Mathematical approach to biological outbreak and crash (Functional Equations and Complex Systems)
- Modification of Rikitake's model for the geomagnetic field (双曲型力学系から大自由度力学系へ--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- A rario-dependent predator-prey system model (Theory of Biomathematics and its Applications IV)
- 弧状連結でない連結なコンパクト力学的不変集合(力学系理論の最近の発展)
- Complicated invariant sets of some ordinary differential equations(New Development of Dynamical Systems with Topological and Computational Methods)
- Mathematical approach to biological outbreak and crash (Functional Equations and Complex Systems)
- Predator-prey system model of singular equations (Mathematical models and dynamics of functional equations)
- 高校数学の微積分教材
- Duffing方程式の周期解曲線の変形(非線形系にみられる分岐現象と力学系理論)
- Duffing方程式の対称解と非対称解(力学系理論と特異現象)
- 逆不安定解と2次分数調波解(力学系理論とその応用分野における非線形問題)
- Duffing方程式における指数定理について(非線形現象と力学系の理論)
- A mathematical approach to the computer simulations of Lorenz attractors (力学系--理論から応用へ、応用から理論へ--RIMS研究集会報告集)