章炳麟における革命思想の形成 : 戊戌變法から辛亥革命へ
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Chang Ping-lin (章炳麟) who cherished a repulse against Western Imperialism as well as the win of freedom and liberty of China came to acknowledge the necessity of anti-Manchus Revolution as a preliminary step to anti-imperialism through the coup d'etat of 1898 and the Boxer Outbreak.His revolutionary thought had a definite shape after criticizing the Reform Movement and the Reformatory Thought by Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and K'ang Yu-wei.His main mission in the political field had focussed upon the creation of a new type of human being as a nucleus of the Revolutionary Movement differed from the traditional feudal gentry, while attacking fiercely the moralistic degradation of the feudal gentry; the protagonists of the Reform Movement.This new type of human being must belong to a Bodhisattva-like revolutionary carring the revolutionary moral.A salient feature of his revolutionary thought lies in the following fact that he had taken more account of human being or revolutionary moral than the principle or theory of revolution.He grasped the revolution as a problem of awakening independence by individuals.His theoretical foundation was based on Buddhism (the theory of Fahsiang法相and the practice of Huayen華嚴) and Chuang Tsu's C'hi-wu-lun.Through this negative but retrograding principle, he advocates one's own independence to resist other's repression.This independence should disappear, once other's repression cease to exist, according to his standpoint.His Han-nationalism gave a strong impetus to such awakening independence of the people.His thought is completely negative because of its intention to annihilate the entire oppression, and the principle of Oriental Liberty itself is the reason for resistance.Those days, such Law of Evolution as the survival of the fittest or the law in the jungle was predominant and a thesis called Advanced Europe and Backward China was considered absolute in China.Under such a circumstance, Chang Ping-lin showered strong blows on fallacy and defects of K'ang and Liang who all in all made a debut as a champion of modernization to catch up with Advanced Europe.He stood against Natural Law proving the defeat of China and submitted his own demand that we do not want to be destroyed.Unfortunately, he could not find any positive course, on which China was to march.Looking at his thesis such as the oppressed nation's solidarity against imperialsism or his criticism on capitalism or on representative government, it seem to me that his thought suggested the course of Chinese Revolution in a negative way, which was rather alien to Modernization course.We may say that he set out his own course to New China through the denial of Modernization.
- 東京大学東洋文化研究所,The Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyoの論文
- パネルディスカッション(香港返還後の中国と東南アジア)
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- 北京・上海の毛沢東研究と井岡山・瑞金の旅--日中学術交流の報告
- 長沙時代の毛沢東--哲学・運動・主義
- 一日本人の眼から見た章炳麟の思想
- 中国十カ月--学術交流の側面から
- 楊昌済と毛沢東--初期毛沢東の「土哲学」 (古島和雄教授還暦記念号)
- 「毛沢東の思想」をめぐる日中学術交流(戦後東南アジア情勢と域外大国の関係についての研究)
- 清末変法論と譚嗣同の思想--変法と聖人之道
- 章炳麟における革命思想の形成 : 戊戌變法から辛亥革命へ
- 章炳麟における革命思想の形成--戊戌変法から辛亥革命へ
- 章炳麟における革命思想の形成-戊戌変法から辛亥革命へ
- 二〇〇四年夏 北京・上海の毛沢東研究 : 日中学術交流の報告 (五)
- 毛沢東の思想と一九四九年の中国
- 北京・上海5ヵ月
- 毛沢東の思想 : 「人民内部矛盾」を中心に
- 孫文に関する最近の著作について
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- 「中国の近代」と毛沢東の思想
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- 辛亥革命と章炳麟
- 中国の解放世代と思想史研究--湯志鈞・李沢厚両氏を中心に
- 「民国」と李大〔ショウ〕の位置--辛亥革命から五四運動へ
- 「近代化」と民族--中国のばあい
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- 北京・上海の毛沢東研究と井岡山・瑞金の旅 : 日中学術交流の報告
- 長沙時代の毛沢東 : 哲学・運動・主義 (藤田勇教授還暦記念号)
- 一日本人の眼から見た章炳麟の思想 (石田雄教授還暦記念号)
- 中国十ヶ月 : 学術交流の側面から
- 楊昌済と毛沢東 : 初期毛沢東の「土哲学」 (古島和雄教授還暦記念号)
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- 二〇〇四年夏 北京・上海の毛沢東研究 : 日中学術交流の報告 (五)