人類学における記述対象の限定について : 社会と文化の存在様相に関する考察とモデル(1)
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In the fifty years which has elapsed since the publication of the works by Malinowski (1922) and Radcliffe-Brown (1922), socio-cultural anthropology has shifted its attention from the small-scale, simple society to the larger and more complex social systems.But ‘primitive isolates’ which were the foundation in beginning social anthropology [Redfield, 1955: 25], are still regarded as presenting the standard research subject.In describing a complex society, ethnographers present it as a natural unit of pepople having a clear-cut boundary and a distinct culture.This tendency is due to their preference and their efforts to make the subject of their studies conform with the classical case of the primitive society, in which ‘people’,‘society’ and ‘culture’ all appear to have identical boundaries and to form a unitary set of three-in-one.In a complex society, however, people, society and culture rarely coincide in its boundary and each one depends on the others for its definition: a given culture is defined as culture P because people P have this culture, and these people are P because of their social membership of society P, but society P cannot be defined without reference to culture P, and so on.In the first section of this paper, I clarify the relationships of the three subjects of anthropological study: people, culture and society.I also explain that ‘land’, a fourth factor, plays an essential role in defining the three subjects as if they formed a natural autonomous whole.I throw doubt, in the second section, on the assumed conformity of people, society and culture in the ethnographical archetype, the primitive isolates.I take the case of the Mbotgote, an ‘isolated’ people of Malekula Island in the New Hebrides Archipelago, to examine how a primitive society or culture is created and acknowledged in anthropological literature.In the last section, I make some concluding remarkes on the function of ‘land’ in the anthropological description, and on the historical change in the boundaries of the Mbotgote.
- 東京大学東洋文化研究所,The Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyoの論文
東京大学東洋文化研究所,The Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo | 論文
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