A Linear Trend of Hypocenter Distribution in the Outer Slope Region of the Japan Trench Revealed by OBS Array : Preliminary Report
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One month OBS array observation was carried out in the Japan Trench region using seven pop-up OBS's. Preliminary determination of hypocenters was made. The hypocenter distribution shows strong seismic activities in the outer slope region. There was a linear trend of epicenter distribution, roughly along the 6,000 m bathymetric contour. The focal depths of these earthquakes were shallow, less than 10 km. The graben-like structure in this region might have a strong correlation with this seismic activity. Some earthquakes, which form a cluster, occurred near the trench axis. There was another broad distribution of epicenters in the north of 40°N. In the inner slope region a swarm activity occurred which included four M=A events. The focal depths of them were shallow. Some distinct features on wave forms of OBS records are presented. One of the most significant features is the predominancy of low frequency component for some earthquakes, which occurred in the outer slope region and were recorded at the stations on the outer slope. There may be some similarities between the low frequency earthquakes and the "slow earthquakes", if the low frequency was generated by the source itself. Another new feature is the appearance of S-S multiple reflections which occurred within the sediment layer under the station.7台の浮上式海底地震計を用いて1981年6月10日から7月13日まで,日本海溝を横断する約1ヵ月のアレー観測を行った.震源決定を行い以下のことがわかった.海溝軸外側の太平洋側斜面下に活発な地震活動があった.これらのうちのある地震群は,6,000mの等水深線にそってほぼ帯状に分布し,震源の深さは10km以浅と浅かった.この地域は地溝状の構造が有り,地震活動との強い相関が推定される.他の,海溝軸外側の活動は,海溝軸付近の塊状分布,40°N以北の幅広い分布,が存在した.海溝軸内側斜面上部には,4個のM≧4の地震を含む浅い群発活動が起った.海底地震計の記録波形に,いくつかの特徴が見られ,これらのうちいくつかは新しい結果であった.もっとも重要な新しい特徴は,海溝軸外側斜面に起った地震のうちいくつかは外側斜面上の観測点で低周波に富んだ波形を示した,ことである.この低周波地震は,もしそれが震源自身で生成したのであれば,"低速地震"とこの地震の間にある類似性が有るであろう.S波の後に2~3の新しい相が見つかった.これらの相は観測点直下におけるS-S反射によって生成されたのであろう.
- 1982-07-16
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