Electromagnetic Induction within the Earth and Its Relation to the Electrical State of the Earth's Interior. Part III.
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In addition to the electromagnetic induction by various variations which were already studied in the previous papers, the 27-day period variation, the period of which is larger than any other variation treated before, is studied here in regard to the electrical state of the earth's interior. Though the results of the analysis for various epochs are somewhat scattered, the relation between the external and internal parts is fairly consistent with the conductivity-distribution which was determined in the former studies. From the investigation of the induced currents, it is concluded that the electrical state at a depth of about 1200 km is the most effective for the 27-day period variation. Taking into consideration, then, the increase in the electrical conductivity in greater depth and the accompanying screening effect for current penetration, it will be of great difficulty to investigate the electrical properties at further depth even in case of much longer period variation. In conclusion, the writer wishes to express his hearty thanks to Dr. T. Nagata for his helpful discussions. To Miss Y. Hishiyama who always assisted the writer throughout the numerical work the writer's hearty thanks are also due.
- 1951-06-25
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