研究者の社会化と暴力 ― 大学におけるハラスメント ―
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Sexual and academic harassment on campus can be regarded as an issue of violence present in the process of socializing scholars. This article explains how making a career in academics involves the risk of becoming victim to harassment on campus, by reflecting on interview-based case studies of graduate school students. We have classified various difficulties, each arising from the“invisible rules”particular to academic society, which junior scholars come up against in graduate school, and examined how a formal or informal network of graduate students can resist oppression by those rules. Summary conclusions are as follows. Firstly, in academic situations,“customary or unwritten laws on campus”and“a professor's own arbitrary rules”have greater influence on graduate students than any official rules formally established by the university, and this fact makes it very hard for graduate students to sufficiently make an issue of campus harassment. Secondly, formal and informal networks of graduate students have both negative and positive effects in acting against oppression by“unspoken rules.”In some cases, these networks even take a role in the succession or continuation of violent customs latent within academic society. From these findings, we argue that, in order to fundamentally solve the problem of campus harassment, it is necessary to raise the efficacy of official university's rules so that the“invisible rules”may be curbed and by that effort, graduate students' needs be met.
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