Fracton Excitation and Levy Flight Dynamics in Alkali Silicate Glasses
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have examined the relaxation behavior of alkali metal ions in lithium metasilicate glasses by means ofmolecular dynamics simulation. We have observed a change of slope of the mean squared displacement at;300 ps. In shorter time regions, localized motion of lithium ions within neighboring sites is observed, whichis caused by the small fracton dimension ~fracton excitation!. On the other hand, an accelerated motion ofparticles due to cooperative jumps is found, which characterizes the diffusion and conduction mechanisms ofthe alkali metal ions in longer time regions. The dynamics of accelerated motion is discussed in relation toLe´vy flight dynamics. @S0163-1829~97!03510-8#
- 1997-03-01
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