- 論文の詳細を見る
More and more college students are turning to Web resources for gathering information fortheir report writing. Many of them, however, use websites inefficiently and seem unaware oftheir limitations. Existing Website evaluation tools show lack of effectiveness. Furthermore, atpresent there are only a few website evaluation tools developed in Japan. The purpose of this study is to introduce the process of making an evaluation scale forwebsites as information resources, and to examine the effectiveness of the scale. A literaturereview of previous studies has made it clear that evaluation criteria for websites have two maindimensions. They are: (1) information reliability and (2) accessibility to information. Theformer dimension consists of five sub-dimensions: authority, accuracy/objectivity, coverage,currency/stability, and purpose/audience. For each of the five sub-dimensions and the secondmain dimension, twenty evaluation items were chosen. A 20-item/6-point Likert-scale Websiteevaluation scale was then created. Effectiveness of the Website scale was examined using two experiments. ln the firstexperiment, subjects were 110 Japanese college students and 5 specialists. The subjectsassessed two kinds of Websites by using the scale. The two Websites were deliberately createdso that their quality differed, one of a higher quality, and the other, a lower quality. The resultsof the experiment have shown the scale to possess a high level of stability, and that individual differences did not have significant effect in Website evaluation. The Website scale was foundto be easy-to-use and suitable for most users. In the second experiment, subjects used in the experiments were 91 Japanese collegestudents. The subjects went over the 60 items in the checklist for Website evaluation beforeand after assessing the Website using the Website scale. The results of the checklist takenbefore and after the evaluation of website were compared. The result also suggests that thestudent’s consciousness in Website evaluation has risen, and essential skill in evaluatingwebsites as information resources was acquired by using the Website scale. These findings have indicated that the Website scale is indeed an effective tool for personswho use websites as information resources.
- 三田図書館・情報学会の論文
三田図書館・情報学会 | 論文
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