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Most of the present information retrieval systems presuppose subject keywords as anaccess point as well as the criterion for relevance judgment. ln other words, IR systems mainlydetermine relevant documents by keywords. However, users may look at other documentcharacteristics in addition to the subject when judging relevance of the documents. This meansthat criteria of judging relevance between the system and end-users may be different. ln orderto overcome the discrepancy, it is necessary to make clear what kinds of non-keywordinformation are necessary for user’s relevance judgments and how they are identified and usedfor relevance judgment. Firstly this paper investigated whether and how each of the 17 characteristics thatdocuments for 3 graduated students and 3 information specialists. usually have was used forthe judgment of relevance by IR users. A survey was conducted. The result of the surveyshowed that users judged relevance using various information from the 17 characteristics.Non-keyword information which contains events, research methods and novelty of the idea, aswell as the length of original documents and of abstracts were determined as predominantinformation for judging relevance. Non-keyword information has the same importance as theinformation from keywords in retrieving documents. Secondly, the author discussed the applicability of those kinds of information to enhanceretrieval performance. Such kind of information as the length of documents and publicationdates will be easily implemented into IR systems since they are parts of bibliographic data.Others such as novelty are more difiicult to use, because the value of those kinds of informationare dependent on individual user.Finally, this paper suggests the possibility to introduce user models into a IR system sinceuser models can represent such characteristics of each user as novelty. They will be helpful forthe system to deal with non-keyword information.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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