運輸部門における自動車用エネルギ消費量の削減 : 所得格差と交通社会
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The Kyoto protocol has been ratified by the developed countries on the 16th of Febrary, 2005. Japan must carry out the promised reduction of 6.0 percent from 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. The trasportation sector in the final energy consumption has been particularly increaced in comparison with the industry and the residential and commercial sectors. The final energy consumption of the transportation sector will have been decreased in the promised reduction, provided that the modal shift of the car and the cargo truck for the bus and the train takes place in 55 - 60 percent. The ratio of the renewable energy versus the primary energy in the developed countries compares Gini's coefficients which are expressive of the income disparity.
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