1P291 Humidity-controlled preparation of frozen-hydrated biological samples for cryogenic coherent X-ray diffraction imaging using XFEL(27. Bioimaging,Poster)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 一般社団法人日本生物物理学会の論文
- 2013-09-13
RIKEN Harima Institute
Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.
Hikima Takaaki
Riken Spring-8 Center
Hoshi Takahiko
Kohzu Precision Co., Ltd.
Kato Shoichi
Grad. Sci. Tech., Tokyo Univ. Sci.
Inui-Tsujimoto Yayoi
Grad. Sci. Tech., Tokyo Univ. Sci.
Maki-Yonekura Saori
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Yonekura Koji
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Takayama Yuki
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Nakasako Masayoshi
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Oroguchi Tomotaka
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Sekiguchi Yuki
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Kobayashi Amane
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Takahashi Yukio
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Suzuki Akihiro
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Suzuki Akihiro
RIKEN SPring-8 Center:Grad. Eng., Osaka Univ.
- Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Crystallographic Studies of Thermus thermophilus HB8 MutM Protein Involved in Repairs of Oxidative DNA
- Cloning, Expression, Crystallization, and Preliminary X-Ray Analysis of Recombinant Mouse Lipocalin-type Prostaglandin D Synthase, a Somnogen-Producing Enzyme
- O-21. Human metaphase chromosomes viewed from the protein constituent(Abstracts for the oral and the poster presentations,Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research and the 17th Annual Meeting of the Chro
- O-23. ASURA is involved in morphogenesis of X-shaped chromosomes(Abstracts for the oral and the poster presentations,Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research and the 17th Annual Meeting of the Chromosom
- P-01. Aurora kinase is required for chromosome segregation in plants(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-26. A nucleolar protein, nucleolin, is involved in chromosome dynamics(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-25. Reconstitution of chromatin using human recombinant proteins(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-24. Localization analysis of the novel chromosomal protein identified using salt stripping method(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-22. Chromosome scaffold and higher-order structure of metaphase chromosomes investigated by electron microscopy(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- 1S6-6 タンパク質微小結晶構造解析を可能にする二本の新規ビームライン(1S6 放射光を用いたタンパク質結晶構造解析の最前線,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Crystal Structure of H_2-Proteinase from the Venom of Trimeresurus flavoviridis
- Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Study of H_2-Proteinase from the Venom of Trimeresurus flavoviridis
- 2P024 紫外可視分光法によるタンパク質結晶の放射線損傷評価(蛋白質-構造,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P024 Suggestions for improving diffraction data qualities at the undulator beamlines(29. Protein structure and dynamics (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Crystal Structure of the Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate Dependent L-Methionine γ-Lyase from Pseudomonas putida
- Prospects for X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis of Selenoproteins with SPring-8 Synchrotron Radiation
- 1P521 Manipulation of protein microcrystal using a laser tweezers for X-ray crystallography(25. New methods and tools (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 1SI-02 非結晶生体粒子のに対する低温コヒーレントX線回折顕微鏡法実験(1SI 第4世代光源、X線自由電子レーザーが拓く生物物理学,日本生物物理学会第49回年会(2011年度))
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- 2D1522 SACLAにおける非結晶粒子の低温X線回折イメージング実験(計測,口頭発表,日本生物物理学会第50回年会(2012年度))
- Bisphenol A Induces a Conformational Change in Protein Disulflde Isomerase
- 1P291 Humidity-controlled preparation of frozen-hydrated biological samples for cryogenic coherent X-ray diffraction imaging using XFEL(27. Bioimaging,Poster)
- A pH-Dependent Conformational Change in a Soluble Extracellular Domain of Amyloid Precursor Protein