現代フランス教育改革の特質と展開(I 課題論文「転換期ヨーロッパの教育改革」)
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This article aims to clarify the characteristics of French educational reform and its development in the 1980s. First, I analyze the keynote of the Socialist Party's educational policy and make clear the following points: (1) Savary, the Socialist Party's first Minister of Education, carried out a restructuring of the college (junior high school) aimed at systematizing educational activity on the basis of each child's ability or personality. This reform was the starting point of that of the present day. (2) Chevenement, the party's next Minister of education, enforced a radical reform well known as "80% objectif", which was aimed at doubling the number of bacheliers (people with a baccalaureat). Two main points underlay this reform. One was the economic necessity, at that time, of France s fostering a number of talented person in order to catch up with the United States of America and Japan. The other was the adaptation of educational level to the industrial structure, i.e., increasing the number of middle-class workers. This plan was largely accepted, causing a drastic change in the direction of the party's educational reform. After this time, educational reform was focused on "quality" as well as "equality". In the second part, I clarify the details of the enactment of the "new educational law" proclaimed by Jospin, The Socialist Party's fourth Minister of education, in 1989 and analyze the circumstances of its enforcement. Consequently, I point out the following six matters as this law's strong points: -The reform of primary education, the reorganization of the grade system, and the creation of the "cycle", which includes the abolition of redoublement (the repeating of a grade, hence, failure). -The modification of the orientation system in the junior high school increased autonomy for pupils and students. -The increase in pay and improvement of labour conditions for teachers and the creation of an IUFM (University Institute for Teacher training), in which every kind of teacher is trained. -Emphasis on a new concept of "educational community". -The encouragement of school autonomy and the promotion the idea of the "projet d'etablissement (school project)". In the last part, I indicate the characteristics of these reforms under the new educational law: 1. "Quality", as an objective of the reform, is pursued from the viewpoint of substantial equality. 2. Respect for the personality of the child is at the core of overall reform. 3. The motivating factor of the reform is "participation" and "self-control and evaluation".
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
- 1996-06-25
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- 現代フランス教育改革の特質と展開(I 課題論文「転換期ヨーロッパの教育改革」)