H-21 フランス原子力発電の高率安定稼動とコミッショニングの役割
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Over 80% of electric energy is generated by nuclear in France at EDF, the national company. The fact is also evaluated as the accomplishment of human endeavor for non-CO_2 society. Peak demand of electricity appears in winter season in France and they tried at first to realize more equalized passage of electricity usage within a day. As the second succeed of their technique was the variable operation of the power plant following the variation of request by consumers after rigid manuals and actually tried experiences. For this industrial and social event they stressed the importance of philosophical concept of commissioning that was initially proposed by Descartes written in "Discours de la methode". Maintaining the higher level of economical operation of French nuclear system commissioning is showing its importance.
- 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会の論文
- 2008-08-08
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- H-21 フランス原子力発電の高率安定稼動とコミッショニングの役割
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