高齢者における発酵L 型乳酸カルシウム(CV カルシューム)摂取の効果についての研究
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This study added fermentation calcium L-lactate( CV calcium) in an everyday meal for resident of nursing home for the elderly in the long term and evaluated calcaneus by osteo-sono assessment index and we examined the effectiveness of the ingestion fermentation calcium L-lactate( CV calcium). We were not able to obtain a result indicating the effectiveness of the ingestion of fermentation calcium L-lactate( CV calcium), because a change was not seen in a result of the bone density measurement. However, it may be suggested that fermentation calcium L-lactate( CV calcium) is effective to easily take in calcium. The because it is easy to cook to have high water solubility and the taste of the meal does not change.
- 武庫川女子大学の論文
武庫川女子大学 | 論文
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