S211013 課題達成型イノベーションを実現するファンディングシステム([S21101]技術革新を促進するための社会制度)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The fourth Science and Technology Basic Plan puts forward the promotion of issue-oriented innovation, which requires the strengthening of the networks of researchers. Meanwhile, Center of Excellence (COE) funds, which have greatly increased in recent Japan, can have the effects of disturbing and severing the networks of researchers. In this paper, such effects of COE funds are analyzed, using the results of interviews with 25 researchers, and proposals for designing Networks of Excellence (NOE) funds are made. Although the effects of COE funds on the networks of researchers appear real, some researchers consider that such effects should not necessarily be seen negatively, and that COE funds also have many merits. It is clear that the roles of COE funds and NOE funds are complementary. The overall design of the funding system in Japan should be carefully done, taking into considerations the effects that COE funds and NOE funds might have on the networks of researchers.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-11
- S2101-1-1 日本の研究開発ファンディングシステムの問題点と課題(技術革新を促進するための社会制度,社会変革を技術で廻す機械工学)
- 宇宙開発の国際事業化 : 協調と統御の政治力学(国際事業化する大規模科学技術研究開発,2011年度年会報告)
- S211013 課題達成型イノベーションを実現するファンディングシステム([S21101]技術革新を促進するための社会制度)