J056053 突起による非定常管内流れの乱流遷移([J05605]乱流における運動量,熱,物質の輸送現象(5))
- 論文の詳細を見る
Unsteady flows through a straight pipe is important in engineering and physiology, such as in the piping system of engine and heart-lung machine. The turbulence in a straight pipe has advantages turbulent mixing, diffusion, heart transfer, and promotion of combustion. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate unsteady motion in detail. However, there is almost no study that measured wall shear stress directly and researched unsteady response of flow resistance in a straight pipe. In the past study, we studied suddenly-accelerated air. In the result, it was confirmed that turbulent transition happened in order from inlet to downstream. In this study, a rib is set at an inlet to cause disturbances. In the case of steady flow, longitudinal vortices are created from behind a rib. It is our purpose to examine the flow condition including the longitudinal vortex. In the result, it became clear that turbulent transition with rib is faster than without rib and that turbulence from rib cause turbulent transition.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-11
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