- 論文の詳細を見る
This is the report of the presiding chairperson of the symposium entitled "Reexamination of the Structure of Agricultural Production." Agriculture in Hokkaido has changed since 1960. The average area of land managed by one farm has increased, and there has been a remarkable development of mechanization and agricultural facilities. On the other hand, Hokkaido now faces many critical problems such as an aging labor force, a lack of successors, a decline of soil productivity, and a heavy debt carried by many farmers. In December 1993, the Japanese government accepted the Uruguay Round of GATT. We are obliged by this agreement to import field crops, meat and dairy products and to lower customs duties. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Hokkaido Prefecture Office have announced guidelines with which they resolved to promote competition among farmers in the international market. In order to achieve this goal, they put an end to the system that has maintained a stable price for agricultural products. They say that large-scale farming, which lowers the cost of production and provides for efficient management, makes farmers more competitive. Facing many difficulties, farmers in Hokkaido are losing their confidence and hope for their future. However, the introductions of new techniques such as direct seeding of paddy fields, new milking systems and environmentally-friendly techniques have provided some hope.
- 北海道農業経済学会の論文
- 共通論題 農業生産構造の再検討
- 1960年代以降における北海道農業の発展と構造に関する研究-4-北海道における稲作滅反の一考察
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- 十勝畑作の経営構造
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- 北海道における酪農展開と農業構造改善事業(農業構造改善事業に関する研究-1-)
- 北海道農業の就業構造に関する一考察
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- 北海道稲作農業の展開構造--奈井江町における実態を中心にして
- 北海道畑作農業の展開構造--芽室町におけるトラクター化の展開を中心にして
- 道内農家経済の一考察
- 上川地方における稲作旧開地帯の生産力構造--旭川市永山町の調査を中心にして
- 戦後北海道農業における施肥の進展
- 北海道における肥料市場の生成
- 座長解題(1994年度秋季大会シンポジュウム「農業生産構造の再検討」)