31a-B1-1 Stochastic Approach ti the Dynamics of Patterns in Condensed Matter by Scaling Expansion MEthod II
Self-Similarity Law of Particle Size Distribution in Solid and Relation with Thermal Analysis
14. On the Generalized Law of Regression of Fluctuations in Stochastic Processes
4a-K-4 長距離相互作用をもつ系の臨界指数
4a-K-3 異方的ハイゼンベルグ模型の統計力学 II
26a-J-3 高分子誘電緩和モデルに関する考察
Stochastic Analysis of a Dynamics of Patterns in Condensed Matter
C. Domb and J. L. Lebowitz 編: Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Vol. 9, Academic Press, London and Orlando, 1984, xiv+318ページ, 23.5×15.5cm, 19,200円.
14a-M-3 Fcc反強磁性のFrustration
30a-U-1 ゆらぎにより誘発される一次相転移系のクロスオーバの振舞
5p-L-17 クエンチド・ランダムスピン系の臨界現象
2p-D-9 ハイゼンベルク模型に対する梯子近似
23.Elimination of Fast Variables in Stochastic Processes(パターン形成,運動と統計,研究会報告)
Systematic Theory of Relaxation and Fluctuation of Macrovariables in a Stochastic Process (基研短期研究会「非平衡緩和過程の統計物理」報告)
1a-KH-2 Systematic theory of relaxation and fluctuation of macrovariables in a stochastic process II
31a-A7-2 Stochastic Approach to the Deterministic Equation in the Case of Macroscopic Fluctuations
30p-JE-13 Hydrodynamical Regime and Self - Similarity Laws in Stochastic Processes
29a-AC-3 On the Generalized Law of Regression of Fluctuations in Stochastic Processes(統計力学・物性基礎論)
31a-B1-1 Stochastic Approach ti the Dynamics of Patterns in Condensed Matter by Scaling Expansion MEthod II
1p-PS-34 ε^展開による立方異方性結晶のランダムXYスピン系の三重臨界現象(1p PS 統計力学・物性基礎論ポスターセッション)