地盤との相互作用を考慮した2層立体円筒トラス構造物の地震応答 : 構造物規模および入力地震波の相違による応答の検討
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Earthquake response of structure is usually determined under the assumption of fixed base. It is important to grasp hove different this value from the rigorous response under consideration of soil-structure interaction. In this paper, two layered cylindrical shaped truss structure is dealt with and the effect of stiffness of the ground and structure are investigated for twc structures with different scale and for various in-put earthquake waves. As the conclusion, the harmonic response at resonance (peak response in the resonant curve) of the structure is confirmed to be decreased due to soil-structure interaction effect. Bui the earthquake response for elastic ground is not always smaller than the response for the rigid base, the accurate response car not be estimated from the response for the rigid base and it necessary to determine it by the response analysis considering the soil-structure interaction.
- 一般社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2007-03-20
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- 地盤との相互作用を考慮した2層立体円筒トラス構造物の地震応答 : 構造物規模および入力地震波の相違による応答の検討