鋳鋼製金物で補強したコンクリート充てん角形鋼管柱・鉄骨ばり仕口の研究 : 骨組の弾塑性性状(一般講演)
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The authors have developed a concrete-filled square tube column to a steel-beam connection reinforced with cast steel parts. For the understanding of the elasto-plastic behavior of the frame using this structural system, specimens of the beam-and-column subassemblage were tested. The test results confirmed that the rigidity of the joint panel and the column in the frame using this structural system is larger in comparison with that of a column to beam connection reinforced with a inner diaphragm. The load-displacement relationships of the frame can be approximated by the analysis assuming tri-linear load-displacement relationships for the joint panel, the column and the beam.
- 一般社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1994-03-15
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- 鋳鋼製金物で補強したコンクリート充てん角形鋼管柱・鉄骨ばり仕口の研究 : 骨組の弾塑性性状(一般講演)