科学技術イノベーション政策のための科学 : 「ファンディングプログラムの運営に資する科学計量学」プロジェクトを通して見えたこと(<特集>科学技術イノベーション政策の科学)
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By taking his ongoing R&D project entitled to "Scientometrics conducive to management of funding programs" as a case, the author explains some management devices designed for the project to promote interactions between practitioners and researchers, and he discusses their effects. Although it is too early to generalize experiences from the project, such interactions could promote exchanges of information on R&D seeds and needs among participants, even in some cases, to result in unexpected applications of technology currently under development. Moreover, if researchers exemplified "applications" of developing technology more or less specifically to practitioners, visualization of their needs might be stimulated.
- 2013-09-30
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