地球化学の戦後 : つわものどもが夢の跡(地球化学・温故知新)
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In this article I am intending to describe how researchers proceeded geochemical works under limited availability of facilities, instruments etc. in ninety fifties and sixties when the after-effects of the war still continued: researchers were forced to separate minerals by handpicking, to make their vacuum systems by themselves with glass-blowing, to use mass-spectrometer designed for analysis of gas molecules for isotope analysis. Among the people I was acquainted with, Drs. Hitoshi Sakai, Akimasa Masuda and Naoki Onuma, all of them have already passed away, showed distinguished performances in studying geochemistry during that period. They overcame many difficulties by carefully choosing their main theme of study, and by elaborately designing the studying procedures. I will show some rarely-talk-about stories hidden under their published work. In addition to the stories about the work of the legendary researchers, I will show performances of some other researchers.
- 2013-09-05