PB28 PSCOF液晶セルの作製条件(ディスプレイ,ポスター発表,2012年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
For liquid crystal displays, it is an ideal that the birefringence of liquid crystal medium does not vary in whole visible light region. Although the wavelength dispersion of the birefringence can be made small by utilizing a phase difference film, the precise control is needed for attachment of the film. In this research, in order to realize the phase-separated composite organic film (PSCOF) structure for the fabrication technology of liquid crystal display without using the phase difference film, we research in detail the fabrication condition of PSCOF liquid crystal cell.
- 日本液晶学会の論文
- 2012-08-20
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