PB02 低分子ネマチック液晶のダイレクタ配向緩和シミュレーション(2)(物理物性,ポスター発表,2012年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Time-resolved deuterium NMR spectroscopy has been employed to investigate the dynamic director alignment processes following the application or removal of an electric field for a low molar mass nematic (5CB-d_2). The probability distribution function for finding the director at an angle was considered as an initial director distribution in order to explore the mechanism of uniform- and non-uniform director alignments observed in the deuterium NMR spectra during the alignment process. It has been found that a spontaneous director distribution and fluctuation in a steady state is essential to understand the director dynamics under the condition of orthogonal external fields.
- 日本液晶学会の論文
- 2012-08-20
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- PB02 低分子ネマチック液晶のダイレクタ配向緩和シミュレーション(2)(物理物性,ポスター発表,2012年日本液晶学会討論会)