119105 矩形容器内スロッシングにおける圧力変動解析に関する実験的研究(一般05 流体力学・流体工学1)
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The pressure inside an oscillating rectangular container filled with water was experimentally investigated by using pressure transducers located at several points on the inner surface of the container. The oscillation is sinusoidal and applied in the horizontal direction. A Fourier analysis of the measured pressure signals was conducted. The excitation frequency is slowly varied near the sloshing resonant frequency of the container, as a result the sloshing state can be considered as steady. Detailed frequency response spectra and a general idea of the spatial distribution were obtained for the amplitude of the three firsts harmonic terms of the pressure. The non-linear effect resulting in a deviation of the sloshing resonant frequency was also investigated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-03-17
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