The Current State and Future Development of the Long-term Care Insurance System in Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
The Long-term Care Insurance System (LTCIS), a societal system of mutual assistance for elderly care, was established in Japan in 2000 in response to the increasing number of elderly requiring care. In this system, each municipality acts as an insurer and calculates long-term care insurance premiums by investigating the number of elderly requiring care and the total cost of service. However, as the number of service users increases and that the number of younger insured decreases, the fi nancial burden on municipalities and citizens, particularly on the younger generation, has increased dramatically. Therefore, the system is currently being reformed in terms of optimization of benefi ts, certifi cation, and care management; the improvement of longterm care quality; and the promotion of prevention measures to secur stable revenue sources. On the other hand, problems such as changes in the beliefs of insurers (i.e., local governments), service providers, and care managers, combined with a decline in service quality from providers and care managers, have complicated the matter. A fundamental reform is required, and concrete reform measures for the improvement of integrated community care and its service supply are being considered. This paper an overview of a Government-sponsored report on the community-based integrated care system in Japan. The future outcome of the LTCIS will also be discussed in this paper, leading hopefully to an interesting insight for other Asian nations facing similar challenges concerning long-term care for the elderly.
- 国立保健医療科学院の論文
- 在宅サービスの利用が家族介護者の介護負担感に及ぼす影響に関する研究--訪問介護,通所介護,短期生活入所介護別サービス利用の効果
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- The Current State and Future Development of the Long-term Care Insurance System in Japan