A remark on a complete curve in complex Euclidean space.
- CR tensorproduct
- CRベクトル空間のカテゴリ-〔英文〕
- CRリー群の等質空間の同変複素化
- CRリー代数とCRリー群のカテゴリカルな複素化
- CRリ-群とCRリ-変換群上の不変CR構造〔英文〕
- 4次元可解リ-群上の不変複素構造〔英文〕
- Equivariant fibrations of homogeneous complex manifolds
- 4次元可解リー群上の不変複素構造
- Equivariant fibrations of homogeneous complex manifolds.
- Stein多様体の若干の位相特性について
- Compact C-R homogeneous hypersurfaces in C^n.
- On C-R submanifolds of C^n of C-R codimension 1.
- An application of harmonic mapping to complex analytic geometry
- On a Theorem of Greene and Wu
- Inner functions on a strictly pseudoconvex domain
- A geometric characterization of open balls
- A remark on a complete curve in complex Euclidean space.