ワイマル期ドイツの世襲財産と森林問題 : 「世襲財産廃止法」の意義
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This essay investigates the social and historical significance of the 1920 law, "Zwangsauflosungsverordnung", which sought to abolish "entailed estates (Fideikommiss)" in Prussia in order to create "wood farms (Waldgut)". The fall of monarchism in Germany after the First World War led inevitably to the abolition of the entailed estates in conformity with Article 155 of the Weimar Constitution. This essay inquires into Prussia's forest issues by examining the so-called "entailed forest (Forstfideikommiss)", the institution so highly regarded by Max Weber in his 1904 writings. Based on primary materials in the Berlin-Dahlem Archive (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz), I begin with a statistical survey of entailed forests in general. Next, based on the conclusions and propositions made in 1920 by the Forestry Committee in Germany (Reichsforstwirtschaftsrat), I examine the correlation of entailed estates and forest issues. Finally, I compare the "wood farms" in question with "reserved forest (Schutzforst)", another concept in the 1920 law. The essay ends with some critical suggestions for further research into Prussian forestry history.
- 2013-07-30
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