航空輸送事業の気候変動対策とグローバル・セクター・アプローチ : ポスト京都議定書へ向けた自主的取り組みの可能性
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Today's air transport industry is increasingly called upon to control greenhouse gas emission (GHG). Main measures to reduce aircrafts' emission include: improved operational efficiency; improved energy efficiency through the redesigning of aircrafts; and development of alternative fuels. Through these measures, it may be possible to reduce GHG emission by 50% by 2050, as compared with a BAU scenario. In overview of today's environment surrounding the aviation industry, there is a difficulty to agree on internationally coordinated measures and on a setting of global reduction goals, due to the confrontation based on national interests, deriving from the opposing principles between the Chicago Convention and the Climate Change Framework Convention. In contrast, IATA, an industry association, presented "Global Sectoral Approach", with ambitious goals including specific GHG reduction targets. With a seemingly deadlocked negotiation toward building a post-Kyoto Protocol framework, IATA' s "Global Sectoral Approach" may be a way to resolve the issue.
- 2011-03-00