「祭り」の準備 : 4技能の統合をうながすスピーチ実践共同体の演出(<特集>4技能の統合,第28回JACET中国・四国支部研究大会シンポジウム報告)
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This paper is intended to delineate a framework for what could be a useful perspective on designing an English-learning community. I will argue that oratory is a historically well-attested mode of integrating the four language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking by referring to the 5 canons of rhetoric; Inventio, Dispositio, Elocutio, Memoria and Actio. I will further argue that, in order for speech to be instrumental in integrating the four skills, it has to take place in the context of a community of practice which could be viewed as "Matsuri" or festival. Historically, as can be surmised from a categorical overview of rhetoric, speech has been associated with some form of festivity. Based on this recognition, I will clarify the educational function of "Matsuri" with speech-related activities embedded. I will conclude that any attempt to integrate the 4 skills requires some kind of "Matsuri", and speech-related activities are an extremely effective approach to it.
- 2013-03-31